General Lew Wallace Study & Museum


One of the most historic writers in Indiana was General Lew Wallace, author of Ben-Hur: A Tale of the Christ. This writer has worn many hats, serving as a soldier, lawyer, and even having a career in the arts. Today, you can visit his historic study to get a view into this man’s lifestyle and how he worked every day.

To hear more about what you can find while exploring this beautifully restored building, keep on reading today!

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Carefully Restored History 

The study of General Lew Wallace has stood since 1895, and, ever since then, it has been an important landmark for the Montgomery County area. This building served for years as a place for General Lew Wallace to work on his writing and contemplate his research.

To bring this building back to its former glory, restoration on this building began in 2011. With the extensive work of historians, we can now enjoy an almost fully restored building full of artifacts and more that give you a glimpse into the work General Lew Wallace was doing.

If you’re at all interested in learning more about the life of the author of Ben-Hur along with how he was able to create such a pillar of classic literature, this is the place to visit.

Available Exhibits and Events author

The bread and butter of the General Lew Wallace Study & Museum is the study and its various artifacts inside. You’ll find tons of information inside detailing General Lew Wallace’s life and how the study came to be built. Guests can take tours to see everything available, and you’ll be provided with accurate information on each artifact.

In addition, there are periodic exhibits that you can visit to learn more about a specific aspect of the study of the family of Lew Wallace. This coming exhibit is “Suffrage & Sovereignty: Governor David Wallace & Zerelda Wallace” where you can learn of the work done by Lew Wallace’s parents.

Book a Tour of the General Lew Wallace Study & Museum

Lew Wallace led a life of great accomplishments over his 77 years. Today, we celebrate him as one of Indiana’s most important writers, and you can see part of his life firsthand at the General Lew Wallace Study & Museum.

Want to get started seeing this museum for yourself? Book a tour today!